Building a Linux Media Network, one step at a time

Monday, March 06, 2006

Stream Position Data in Xine

Now that Xine is up and running, it would be handy to be able to extract the stream position data from the application and display it elsewhere (on a status display, for instance). This way, we could see how much of the movie we've played, how much time remains, etc.

This is pretty easy, once you figure out where to look. In the xine-ui source, go into src/xitk/stdctl.c. In the function xine_stdctl_loop, change the line:
int secs, last_secs; to int secs, last_secs, len_secs, stream_pos;

Just below that, you should see where last_secs is initialized to 1. Copy that line twice and replace last_secs with len_secs and stream_pos.

Near the end of that function, replace the call to gui_xine_get_pos_length(...) with gui_xine_get_pos_length( gGui->stream, &stream_pos, &secs, &len_secs ). Divide len_secs by 1000 afterwards, as is already done with secs.

Replace the call to fprintf with this: fprintf(stdout, "time\t%d\t%d\n", secs, len_secs).

Run make && make install to deploy your changes.

Finally, Xine suppresses output to standard out (stdout) shortly after it prints its introductory banner/copyright data. The easiest way to prevent this is by prepending the --verbose option to the command line. A slightly cleaner way (only cleaner in terms of the output) is to run make clean && make debug && make install_debug to deploy your changes instead. If everything's working right, you should see a bunch of lines like this displayed on the screen:
time 0 97
time 1 97
time 2 97

The first number is the current position in seconds in the current stream and the second is the length of the current stream, in seconds.


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